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October 22 2019

Being injured and having questions about your future, the impact of deadly accidents on it as well as your legal options, can be daunting and overwhelming experiences. They are known to affect a person both internally as well as externally. Such experiences generally involve a number of layers that cannot be carefully uncovered without the guidance of a professional mentor who guides your actions while keeping in mind the physical and emotional losses borne by you.

Types of Car Accidents
As the roads become more and more crowded and drivers more distracted by their devices, car accidents can occur anywhere at any time and in many different situations. Depending upon the potential reasons behind them, the most common form of car crashes include:

  • Vehicle Rollover
  • Rear-End Collision
  • Single Car Crash
  • Sideswipe
  • Side-Impact Collision
  • Off-road crash
  • Head-On Collision

Injuries In A Car Crash
Car accident injuries vary significantly in severity. While some injuries take weeks to heal, others can take months, years, or even result in permanent disability. Based on the impact of accidents caused in the last decade, the most common form of injuries includes:

  • Broken Bones:
  • Spine, Neck, & Back Injuries:
  • Internal Injuries:
  • Cuts or Lacerations:
  • Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): 
  • Broken Ribs

Compensations & Claims Recovered In Them
When you’re injured in an auto accident, you will need to work with an experienced car injury lawyer to build a claim for recovery if you’re not entirely at fault. The damages awarded are meant to compensate you for your injuries and restore your life to normal. Some of the most widely recognized compensations include:

  • Loss of the Quality of Life
  • Physical Disabilities and Disfigurement
  • Emotional Distress
  • Medical Treatment
  • Loss Of Consortium

Who Are We?
At The law offices of Manley Traeger, our car injury lawyers in Montgomery have a history of recovering millions of dollars in jury verdicts and settlements and never backing down against a tough opponent, including large businesses and pharmaceutical companies. Backed up with expertise knowledge along with hoards of satisfied customers, our Car Accident Lawyers promise to achieve what our customers want.

Why Do You Need To Hire Car Accident Attorneys?
Knowing what to expect from your recovery based on the type of injury can help you value your car accident injury claims, and get the rightful amount you need to recover. An insurance provider might depreciate the true value of the damages you have suffered or downplay the coverage recovering the cost of injuries you sustained after a car accident. In such cases, having an attorney by your side that can negotiate with an insurance company and fight for your rights as a victim is the best solution you can opt for in gaining the compensations you deserve.

Never afraid of a fight, our Car Accident lawyers are still standing up to these companies and holding them accountable for the harm they do to the victims & their families. Whether you have been harmed in a car accident or a pedestrian accident, we are able to provide skilled representation. Being an expert in the field, we can evaluate your case and claim and advise you regarding your rights.

Why Trust Our Team?
The Manley Traeger‘s Car Accident Attorneys have decades of combined experience defending the rights of the injured while bringing negligent and reckless parties to justice for their actions. We’re neither afraid of the money nor the resources of the insurance companies constantly trying to earn profits. Our efficient team of a lawyer are mainly classified for:

  • Always Prioritizing Client Communication
  • Free Consultations and No Fee Unless We Win
  • Experienced in Numerous Practice Areas
  • Availability Of Necessary Resources to Commit to Your Case

How Do We Negotiate On Your Behalf?
The car accident attorneys at Manley Traeger recognize the impact of such crashes on people’s lives, and we are passionate about protecting the rights of victims and save them from getting exploited by power-seeking insurance companies. Together, our legal team is committed to making a real difference, helping people who need it more than anyone else, and ensuring that the most vulnerable in our society are protected. Our approach is based on four parameters:

  • Seeking All the Relevant Information & Evidence
  • Listening To Our Clients & Finding The Truth
  • Estimation Of A Rough Acceptable Settlement Amount
  • Issuing Demand Letters & Settlement Offers

How Do You Get In Touch With Us?
If you find us or our team capable of handling your lawsuit and pulling you out of such complex situation with ease, we can be contacted through emails, our office contact numbers or by visiting our offices. Our qualified team is always ready to connect with you and help you in your difficult times. All you need to do is take the first step and we’ll guide you step by step in the entire journey to achieve your victory in this battle.


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